Source code for HALF.Utils.sample

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
``Sample`` and ``SampleList`` are data structures for arbitrary data returned from a
dataset. To work with MMF, minimum requirement for datasets is to return
an object of ``Sample`` class and for models to accept an object of type `SampleList`
as an argument.

``Sample`` is used to represent an arbitrary sample from dataset, while ``SampleList``
is list of Sample combined in an efficient way to be used by the model.
In simple term, ``SampleList`` is a batch of Sample but allow easy access of
attributes from ``Sample`` while taking care of properly batching things.

import collections
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Dict, Union

import torch

[docs]class Sample(OrderedDict): """Sample represent some arbitrary data. All datasets in MMF must return an object of type ``Sample``. Args: init_dict (Dict): Dictionary to init ``Sample`` class with. Usage:: >>> sample = Sample({"text": torch.tensor(2)}) >>> sample.text.zero_() # Custom attributes can be added to ``Sample`` after initialization >>> sample.context = torch.tensor(4) """
[docs] def __init__(self, init_dict=None): if init_dict is None: init_dict = {} super().__init__(init_dict)
def __setattr__(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, value = Sample(value) self[key] = value def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, value = Sample(value) super().__setitem__(key, value) def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self[key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(key)
[docs] def fields(self): """Get current attributes/fields registered under the sample. Returns: List[str]: Attributes registered under the Sample. """ return list(self.keys())
[docs]class SampleList(OrderedDict): """``SampleList`` is used to collate a list of ``Sample`` into a batch during batch preparation. It can be thought of as a merger of list of Dicts into a single Dict. If ``Sample`` contains an attribute 'text' of size (2) and there are 10 samples in list, the returned ``SampleList`` will have an attribute 'text' which is a tensor of size (10, 2). Args: samples (type): List of ``Sample`` from which the ``SampleList`` will be created. Usage:: >>> sample_list = [ Sample({"text": torch.tensor(2)}), Sample({"text": torch.tensor(2)}) ] >>> sample_list.text torch.tensor([2, 2]) """ _TENSOR_FIELD_ = "_tensor_field"
[docs] def __init__(self, samples=None): super().__init__(self) if samples is None: samples = [] if len(samples) == 0: return if self._check_and_load_dict(samples): return # If passed sample list was in form of key, value pairs of tuples # return after loading these if self._check_and_load_tuple(samples): return fields = samples[0].keys() for field in fields: if isinstance(samples[0][field], torch.Tensor): size = (len(samples), *samples[0][field].size()) self[field] = samples[0][field].new_empty(size) if self._get_tensor_field() is None: self._set_tensor_field(field) else: self[field] = [None for _ in range(len(samples))] for idx, sample in enumerate(samples): # it should be a tensor but not a 0-d tensor if ( isinstance(sample[field], torch.Tensor) and len(sample[field].size()) != 0 and sample[field].size(0) != samples[0][field].size(0) ): raise AssertionError( "Fields for all samples must be equally sized. " "{} is of different sizes".format(field) ) self[field][idx] = self._get_data_copy(sample[field]) if isinstance(samples[0][field], self[field] = SampleList(self[field])
def _check_and_load_tuple(self, samples): if isinstance(samples[0], (tuple, list)) and isinstance(samples[0][0], str): for kv_pair in samples: self.add_field(kv_pair[0], kv_pair[1]) return True else: return False def _check_and_load_dict(self, samples): if isinstance(samples, for key, value in samples.items(): self.add_field(key, value) return True else: return False def _fix_sample_type(self, samples): if not isinstance(samples[0], Sample): proper_samples = [] for sample in samples: proper_samples.append(Sample(sample)) samples = proper_samples return samples def __setattr__(self, key, value): self[key] = value def __getattr__(self, key): if key not in self: raise AttributeError( "Key {} not found in the SampleList. " "Valid choices are {}".format(key, self.fields()) ) fields = self.keys() if key in fields: return self[key] sample = Sample() for field in fields: sample[field] = self[field][key] return sample
[docs] def get_device(self): field_tensor = self._get_tensor_field() assert ( field_tensor is not None ), f"No tensor field in sample list, available keys: {self.fields()}" return self[field_tensor].device
[docs] def get_item_list(self, key): """Get ``SampleList`` of only one particular attribute that is present in the ``SampleList``. Args: key (str): Attribute whose ``SampleList`` will be made. Returns: SampleList: SampleList containing only the attribute value of the key which was passed. """ sample = self[key] return SampleList([sample])
[docs] def copy(self): """Get a copy of the current SampleList Returns: SampleList: Copy of current SampleList. """ sample_list = SampleList() fields = self.fields() for field in fields: sample_list.add_field(field, self[field]) return sample_list
[docs] def fields(self): """Get current attributes/fields registered under the SampleList. Returns: List[str]: list of attributes of the SampleList. """ return list(self.keys())
[docs] def get_fields(self, fields): """Get a new ``SampleList`` generated from the current ``SampleList`` but contains only the attributes passed in `fields` argument Args: fields (List[str]): Attributes whose ``SampleList`` will be made. Returns: SampleList: SampleList containing only the attribute values of the fields which were passed. """ current_fields = self.fields() return_list = SampleList() for field in fields: if field not in current_fields: raise AttributeError( "{} not present in SampleList. " "Valid choices are {}".format(field, current_fields) ) return_list.add_field(field, self[field]) return return_list
[docs] def get_field(self, field): """Get value of a particular attribute Args: field (str): Attribute whose value is to be returned. """ return self[field]
def _get_data_copy(self, data): # if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): # copy_ = data.clone() # else: # copy_ = deepcopy(data) # return copy_ return data def _get_tensor_field(self): return self.__dict__.get(SampleList._TENSOR_FIELD_, None) def _set_tensor_field(self, value): self.__dict__[SampleList._TENSOR_FIELD_] = value
[docs] def get_batch_size(self): """Get batch size of the current ``SampleList``. There must be a tensor be a tensor present inside sample list to use this function. Returns: int: Size of the batch in ``SampleList``. """ tensor_field = self._get_tensor_field() assert tensor_field is not None, "There is no tensor yet in SampleList" return self[tensor_field].size(0)
[docs] def add_field(self, field, data): """Add an attribute ``field`` with value ``data`` to the SampleList Args: field (str): Key under which the data will be added. data (object): Data to be added, can be a ``torch.Tensor``, ``list`` or ``Sample`` """ fields = self.fields() tensor_field = self._get_tensor_field() if ( len(fields) != 0 and isinstance(data, torch.Tensor) and len(data.size()) != 0 and tensor_field is not None and data.size(0) != self[tensor_field].size(0) ): raise AssertionError( "A tensor field to be added must " "have same size as existing tensor " "fields in SampleList. " "Passed size: {}, Required size: {}".format( len(data), len(self[tensor_field]) ) ) if isinstance(data, self[field] = SampleList(data) else: self[field] = self._get_data_copy(data) if isinstance(self[field], torch.Tensor) and tensor_field is None: self._set_tensor_field(field)
[docs] def to(self, device, non_blocking=True): """Similar to ``.to`` function on a `torch.Tensor`. Moves all of the tensors present inside the ``SampleList`` to a particular device. If an attribute's value is not a tensor, it is ignored and kept as it is. Args: device (str|torch.device): Device on which the ``SampleList`` should moved. non_blocking (bool): Whether the move should be non_blocking. Default: True Returns: SampleList: a SampleList moved to the ``device``. """ fields = self.keys() sample_list = self.copy() if not isinstance(device, torch.device): if not isinstance(device, str): raise TypeError( "device must be either 'str' or " "'torch.device' type, {} found".format(type(device)) ) device = torch.device(device) for field in fields: if hasattr(sample_list[field], "to"): sample_list[field] = sample_list[field].to( device, non_blocking=non_blocking ) return sample_list
[docs] def pin_memory(self): """In custom batch object, we need to define pin_memory function so that PyTorch can actually apply pinning. This function just individually pins all of the tensor fields """ fields = self.keys() for field in fields: if hasattr(self[field], "pin_memory"): # This will also handle nested sample list recursively self[field] = self[field].pin_memory() return self
[docs] def detach(self): fields = self.keys() for field in fields: self[field] = detach_tensor(self[field]) return self
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Converts a sample list to dict, this is useful for TorchScript and for other internal API unification efforts. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: A dict representation of current sample list """ sample_dict = {} fields = self.keys() for field in fields: # Handle nested sample list recursively if hasattr(self[field], "to_dict"): sample_dict[field] = self[field].to_dict() else: sample_dict[field] = self[field] return sample_dict
[docs]def convert_batch_to_sample_list( batch: Union[SampleList, Dict[str, Any]] ) -> SampleList: # Create and return sample list with proper name # and type set if it is already not a sample list # (case of batched iterators) sample_list = batch if ( # Check if batch is a list before checking batch[0] # or len as sometimes batch is already SampleList isinstance(batch, list) and len(batch) == 1 and isinstance(batch[0], SampleList) ): sample_list = batch[0] elif not isinstance(batch, SampleList): sample_list = SampleList(batch) if sample_list._get_tensor_field() is None: sample_list = SampleList(sample_list.to_dict()) return sample_list
device_type = Union[str, torch.device]
[docs]def to_device( sample_list: Union[SampleList, Dict[str, Any]], device: device_type = "cuda" ) -> SampleList: if isinstance(sample_list, collections.Mapping): sample_list = convert_batch_to_sample_list(sample_list) # to_device is specifically for SampleList # if user is passing something custom built if not isinstance(sample_list, SampleList): warnings.warn( "You are not returning SampleList/Sample from your dataset. " "MMF expects you to move your tensors to cuda yourself." ) return sample_list if isinstance(device, str): device = torch.device(device) # default value of device_type is cuda # Other device types such as xla can also be passed. # Fall back to cpu only happens when device_type # is set to cuda but cuda is not available. if device.type == "cuda" and not torch.cuda.is_available(): warnings.warn( "Selected device is cuda, but it is NOT available!!! Falling back on cpu." ) device = torch.device("cpu") if sample_list.get_device() != device: sample_list = return sample_list
[docs]def detach_tensor(tensor: Any) -> Any: """Detaches any element passed which has a `.detach` function defined. Currently, in MMF can be SampleList, Report or a tensor. Args: tensor (Any): Item to be detached Returns: Any: Detached element """ if hasattr(tensor, "detach"): tensor = tensor.detach() return tensor