Source code for HALF.Utils.Registry

from __future__ import annotations

[docs]class Registry: glob_module_registry = dict()
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, name: str=None, force:bool=False) -> Registry: """Class method to register Executor class to the internal registry. Args: name (str, optional): The name of the executor. Defaults to None. force (bool, optional): If True, write registry key even if it already exists. Defaults to False. Returns: The Executor class itself. """ def inner_wrapper(wrapped_class): class_name = wrapped_class.__name__ if name is not None: key = name else: key = class_name if force or name not in cls.glob_module_registry: cls.glob_module_registry[key] = wrapped_class else: raise Exception(f"Key [{key}] is already stored in registry") return wrapped_class return inner_wrapper
def __getitem__(self, key:str): return Registry.glob_module_registry[key]
REGISTRY = Registry()